इसके माध्यम से साझा किया गया

az ml


This reference is part of the azure-cli-ml extension for the Azure CLI (version 2.0.28 or higher). The extension will automatically install the first time you run an az ml command. Learn more about extensions.

Manage Azure Machine Learning resources with the Azure CLI ML extension v1.

[Warning] Azure ML CLI v1 is getting retired on September 30, 2025. Users are recommended to adopt CLI v2. Use documentation at https://aka.ms/migrateamlv2 and https://aka.ms/amlcliv2 to learn more about CLI v2. Install Azure CLI ML extension v1 https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/machine-learning/reference-azure-machine-learning-cli.


Name Description Type Status
az ml computetarget

Computetarget subgroup commands.

Extension GA
az ml computetarget amlcompute

AzureML compute commands.

Extension GA
az ml computetarget amlcompute identity

AzureML compute target identity commands.

Extension GA
az ml computetarget amlcompute identity assign

Assign identity to an AzureML compute target.

Extension GA
az ml computetarget amlcompute identity remove

Remove identity from an AzureML compute target.

Extension GA
az ml computetarget amlcompute identity show

Display identities of an AzureML compute target.

Extension GA
az ml computetarget attach

Attach subgroup commands.

Extension GA
az ml computetarget attach aks

Attach an AKS cluster to the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml computetarget attach kubernetes

Attach a KubernetesCompute as a compute target to the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml computetarget attach remote

Attach a remote machine without Docker as a compute target to the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml computetarget computeinstance

AzureML compute instance commands.

Extension GA
az ml computetarget computeinstance restart

Restart a compute instance.

Extension GA
az ml computetarget computeinstance start

Start a compute instance.

Extension GA
az ml computetarget computeinstance stop

Stop a compute instance.

Extension GA
az ml computetarget create

Create a compute target (aks or amlcompute or computeinstance).

Extension GA
az ml computetarget create aks

Create an AKS compute target.

Extension GA
az ml computetarget create amlcompute

Create an AzureML compute target.

Extension GA
az ml computetarget create computeinstance

Create an AzureML compute instance target.

Extension GA
az ml computetarget create datafactory

Create a data factory compute target.

Extension GA
az ml computetarget delete

Delete a compute target (aks or amlcompute or computeinstance).

Extension GA
az ml computetarget detach

Detach a compute target (aks or remote) from a workspace.

Extension GA
az ml computetarget get-credentials

Get credentials for a compute target (aks or remote).

Extension GA
az ml computetarget list

List all the compute targets attached to a workspace.

Extension GA
az ml computetarget show

Show details of a specific compute target.

Extension GA
az ml computetarget update

Update a compute target (aks or amlcompute).

Extension GA
az ml computetarget update aks

Update an AKS compute target.

Extension GA
az ml computetarget update amlcompute

Update an AzureML compute target.

Extension GA
az ml dataset

Commands for managing datasets in Azure Machine Learning Workspace.

Extension GA
az ml dataset archive

Archive an active or deprecated dataset.

Extension GA
az ml dataset deprecate

Deprecate an active dataset in a workspace by another dataset.

Extension GA
az ml dataset list

List all datasets in the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml dataset reactivate

Reactivate an archived or deprecated dataset.

Extension GA
az ml dataset register

Register a new dataset from the specified file.

Extension GA
az ml dataset show

Get details of a dataset by its id or registration name.

Extension GA
az ml dataset unregister

Unregister all versions under the specified registration name.

Extension GA
az ml datastore

Commands for managing and using datastores with the Azure ML Workspace.

Extension GA
az ml datastore attach-adls

Attach an ADLS datastore.

Extension GA
az ml datastore attach-adls-gen2

Attach a ADLS Gen2 datastore.

Extension GA
az ml datastore attach-blob

Attach a blob storage datastore.

Extension GA
az ml datastore attach-dbfs

Attach a Databricks File System datastore.

Extension GA
az ml datastore attach-file

Attach a file share datastore.

Extension GA
az ml datastore attach-mysqldb

Attach an Azure MySQL datastore.

Extension GA
az ml datastore attach-psqldb

Attach an Azure PostgreSQL datastore.

Extension GA
az ml datastore attach-sqldb

Attach an Azure SQL datastore.

Extension GA
az ml datastore detach

Detach a datastore by name.

Extension GA
az ml datastore download

Download files from a Datastore.

Extension GA
az ml datastore list

List datastores in the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml datastore set-default

Set the workspace default datastore by name.

Extension GA
az ml datastore show

Show a single datastore by name.

Extension GA
az ml datastore show-default

Show the workspace default datastore.

Extension GA
az ml datastore upload

Upload files to a Datastore.

Extension GA
az ml endpoint

Manage machine learning endpoints.

Extension GA
az ml endpoint realtime

Manage operationalized realtime endpoints.

Extension GA
az ml endpoint realtime create-version

Create a version for realtime endpoint in the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml endpoint realtime delete

Delete a realtime endpoint and its version from the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml endpoint realtime delete-version

Delete a version for realtime endpoint in the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml endpoint realtime get-access-token

Get a token to issue requests a realtime endpoint.

Extension GA
az ml endpoint realtime get-keys

Get keys to issue requests against a realtime endpoint.

Extension GA
az ml endpoint realtime get-logs

Get logs for a realtime endpoint.

Extension GA
az ml endpoint realtime list

List realtime endpoints in the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml endpoint realtime regen-key

Regenerate keys for a realtime endpoint.

Extension GA
az ml endpoint realtime run

Run a realtime endpoint in the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml endpoint realtime show

Show details for a realtime endpoint in the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml endpoint realtime update

Update a realtime endpoint in the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml endpoint realtime update-version

Update a version for realtime endpoint in the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml environment

Commands to manage environments.

Extension GA
az ml environment download

Download an environment definition to a specified directory.

Extension GA
az ml environment list

List environments in a workspace.

Extension GA
az ml environment register

Register an environment definition from a specified directory.

Extension GA
az ml environment scaffold

Scaffold the files for a default environment definition in the specified directory.

Extension GA
az ml environment show

Show an environment by name and optionally version.

Extension GA
az ml experiment

Commands to manage experiments.

Extension GA
az ml experiment list

List experiments in a workspace.

Extension GA
az ml folder

Folder subgroup commands.

Extension GA
az ml folder attach

Attach a folder to an AzureML workspace and optionally a specific experiment to use by default. If experiment name is not specified, it defaults to the folder name.

Extension GA
az ml model

Manage machine learning models.

Extension GA
az ml model delete

Delete a model from the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml model deploy

Deploy model(s) from the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml model download

Download a model from the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml model list

List models in the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml model package

Package a model in the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml model profile

Profile model(s) in the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml model register

Register a model to the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml model show

Show a model in the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml model update

Update a model in the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml pipeline

Pipeline subgroup commands.

Extension GA
az ml pipeline clone

Generate yml definition describing the pipeline run, supported only for ModuleStep for now.

Extension GA
az ml pipeline clone-draft

Create a pipeline draft from an existing pipeline.

Extension GA
az ml pipeline create

Create a pipeline from a yaml definition.

Extension GA
az ml pipeline create-draft

Create a pipeline draft from a yml definition.

Extension GA
az ml pipeline create-schedule

Create a schedule.

Extension GA
az ml pipeline delete-draft

Delete a pipeline draft.

Extension GA
az ml pipeline disable

Disable a pipeline from running.

Extension GA
az ml pipeline disable-schedule

Disable a schedule from running.

Extension GA
az ml pipeline enable

Enable a pipeline and allow it to run.

Extension GA
az ml pipeline enable-schedule

Enable a schedule and allow it to run.

Extension GA
az ml pipeline get

Generate yml definition describing the pipeline.

Extension GA
az ml pipeline last-pipeline-run

Show last pipeline run for a schedule.

Extension GA
az ml pipeline list

List all pipelines and respective schedules in the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml pipeline list-drafts

List pipeline drafts in the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml pipeline list-steps

List the step runs generated from a pipeline run.

Extension GA
az ml pipeline pipeline-runs-list

List pipeline runs generated from a schedule.

Extension GA
az ml pipeline publish-draft

Publish a pipeline draft as a published pipeline.

Extension GA
az ml pipeline show

Show details of a pipeline and respective schedules.

Extension GA
az ml pipeline show-draft

Show details of a pipeline draft.

Extension GA
az ml pipeline show-schedule

Show details of a schedule.

Extension GA
az ml pipeline submit-draft

Submit a run from the pipeline draft.

Extension GA
az ml pipeline update-draft

Update a pipeline draft.

Extension GA
az ml pipeline update-schedule

Update a schedule.

Extension GA
az ml run

Commands for submitting, updating, and monitoring runs.

Extension GA
az ml run cancel

Cancel run.

Extension GA
az ml run download-logs

Download log files.

Extension GA
az ml run list

List runs.

Extension GA
az ml run monitor-logs

Monitor the logs for an existing run.

Extension GA
az ml run monitor-tensorboard

Monitor an existing run using tensorboard.

Extension GA
az ml run show

Show run.

Extension GA
az ml run submit-hyperdrive

Submit a hyper parameter sweep using run config.

Extension GA
az ml run submit-pipeline

Submit a pipeline for execution, from a published pipeline ID or pipeline YAML file.

Extension GA
az ml run submit-script

Submit a script for execution.

Extension GA
az ml run update

Update the run by adding tags.

Extension GA
az ml service

Manage operationalized services.

Extension GA
az ml service delete

Delete a service from the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml service get-access-token

Get a token to issue requests a service.

Extension GA
az ml service get-keys

Get keys to issue requests against a service.

Extension GA
az ml service get-logs

Get logs for a service.

Extension GA
az ml service list

List services in the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml service regen-key

Regenerate keys for a service.

Extension GA
az ml service run

Run a service in the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml service show

Show details for a service in the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml service update

Update a service in the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml workspace

Workspace subgroup commands.

Extension GA
az ml workspace create

Create a workspace.

Extension GA
az ml workspace delete

Delete a workspace.

Extension GA
az ml workspace diagnose

Diagnose workspace setup problems.

Extension GA
az ml workspace list

List workspaces.

Extension GA
az ml workspace list-keys

List workspace keys for dependent resources such as storage, acr, and app insights.

Extension GA
az ml workspace private-endpoint

Workspace private endpoint subgroup commands.

Extension GA
az ml workspace private-endpoint add

Add private endpoint to a workspace.

Extension GA
az ml workspace private-endpoint delete

Delete the specified private endpoint Connection in the workspace.

Extension GA
az ml workspace private-endpoint list

List all private endpoints in a workspace.

Extension GA
az ml workspace share

Share a workspace with another user with a given role.

Extension GA
az ml workspace show

Show a workspace.

Extension GA
az ml workspace sync-keys

Sync workspace keys for dependent resources such as storage, acr, and app insights.

Extension GA
az ml workspace update

Update a workspace.

Extension GA
az ml workspace update-dependencies

Update workspace dependent resources.

Extension GA